Coming Of Age

by witchfacemermaidchild

In Skoddeheimen, Norway, 15-year-old Alma is consumed by her hormones and fantasies that range from sweetly romantic images of Artur, the boyfriend she yearns for, to daydreams about practically everybody she lays eyes on – IMDb

I wanted to do a post about this film because I think it’s the only one I’ve heard of that sets itself apart in the teen-comedy pot. It’s being called Norweigian Pie and by now you know I’m talking about sex. Not just sex, but also how a lot of men seem to think women are so naive to it (or maybe should be so naive to it).

The majority of my friends in secondary school were boys who talked liberally about it. There’s a barrier between men and women in that way, men talk about matters of the groin and women who do the same lose that mystique that us woman folk are supposed to have, ergo becoming less attractive.

Some things are better left unsaid.

In French lessons however (and this I blame for only getting a C) me and three other girls would talk sex. And the previous statement of ‘things are best kept unsaid’ went right out of the modern foreign languages department window. All I sayin’ is that it may not be loudly but rest assured we think about it too. I’m glad someone finally made a film that says this in a light hearted way.

It’s not just the ideas and plotline in this film that I like, but the styling is beautiful. The clothes are pastel and childlike and the makeup is nude which makes a good contrast to the themes of the film.

We’ve had The Inbetweeners Movie, American Pie and a whole number of other films about teenage boys who want to have sex- now for something a bit different.